Thread: How to be happy
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Old 08-06-2009, 12:17 PM   #19
Fucktard Resistance League
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: 1.14 acres of heaven
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My solution to finding happiness was to walk away from "traditional life." By this, I mean the usual: living in a city, commuting to/from work with a million other sad lemmings, doing a job that you don't really care that much about (or actively HATE) for 40 hours a week so you can have two days off to do pretty much nothing of interest or value, before you have to get up again on Monday morning and repeat the drudgery for yet another week.

Sure, I had a gorgeous condo and made $42,000/year, but was I really happy? Not for a second.

So I chucked it all. Moved to the country, planted a garden (or four). Created a HOME - a forever place. Found a pet-sitting job (great work, but quite sporadic), got some writing gigs, took on other part-time jobs as needed/available. Scrambling most of the time for work (the ultra-sucky economy isn't helping at all), but somehow managing to keep afloat.

Today, I haven't a spare nickle to my name, but I've discovered that nothing makes me happier than having a spastic chicken follow me around the yard as I tend my garden. Seriously. Sometimes, I just sit on the porch swing and drink it all in, astounded that such simple things can be so rewarding.

Life is GOOOOD.
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