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Old 10-01-2013, 11:40 AM   #57
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by Stormieweather View Post
Do you feel it is hypocritical to hold the President to a higher standard than the rest of our political "leaders"?
No! He is the President! He needs to act accordingly, not like what you might expect from a Congressman, etc.

I mean, they're free to spew some of the most vile, hatred filled, violence inducing statements I've ever had the misfortune to experience, all while hiding behind Christianity, but the President is expected to not only accept such filth, but stay absolutely neutral and dispassionate??

Conservative Hostility Liberal Hostility

You'll note that I included both liberals and conservative examples in my links. Personally, I am appalled and disgusted that people have the disrespect to speak about our President (any President) the way they do. You may not like or agree with him, but he is still our leader and representative to the world. If you actually care, then vote. But show some fucking respect.
He had it. Then he lost it. Why? Because he's lied repeatedly, about damn near everything. He kept his word though about his intentions to make electric rates soar, and make even clean coal fired plants, too expensive to operate anymore.

And of course, to "redistribute wealth", which is the socialist agenda where they steal from the wealthy, and give it to someone else that they like more than you. They get a lot of voters that way, and can stay in power.

As for the government shut down, Congress needs to forfeit their paychecks while this occurs. They barely work as it is and they have a hell of a lot of nerve making people work for free or go without a paycheck while they sit on Capital Hill and drink. I hope the American people vote every single ignoramus who allowed this to happen out of office next year.
That won't happen. As our past years have shown, NOTHING is Obama's fault, and this will be no different. He can cut into our right to free speech, our right to carry firearms, our right to privacy, and anything else he can wants, almost. AND NOBODY IN THE MEDIA (hardly) reports on any of it, in a negative or critical way. He can lie like a rug, and it's just fine, fine. Surely you've noticed this?

The shutdown will all be blamed on the Tea Party/Republicans, and with all the expansion of the federal gov't, the Democrats are a shoe in for several elections, as long as they don't really screw up something. If you work for the gov't, you won't vote for a party that might stop that department you work in. It's a quite cushy, symbiotic relationship. Never mind that it's all coming out of the taxpayer's wallet - not the gov't.

Obama's latest speech has him saying "I won't negotiate under threat...".

Well, that's bullshit - because that's what politicians DO all the time. They negotiate - they compromise. THAT IS THEIR BUSINESS!! He's negotiated with the President of Iran, who supports terrorism around the globe - even tried to negotiate with the Taliban, recently. But he won't negotiate with his fellow Americans.

Because Obama knows he doesn't have to compromise this time, so he'll have NONE of it. Eventually, the Republicans will have to give up. At least, that's the ending I see.

What do you see? How will it end?

Last edited by Adak; 10-01-2013 at 11:50 AM.
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