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Old 10-17-2019, 07:57 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
i just happened to be watching the television just now and orange man echoed these points exactly
Never forget why we are so fully involved. Liars. Liars said Saddam had WMDs. So we surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Then wasted $3 trillion and 5000 American servicemen lives on that Mission Accomplished lie. So many American civilians failed to learn what were obvious lies. And so endorsed the resulting massacre.

Simply return to 2003 to read posts warning of this both before and after 'Shock and Awe' - which BTW did nothing. We have no choice. We decided to waste the American economy on lies promoted by wacko extremists. And are today still paying to China massive sums on the interest for all that borrowed money.

Simply go back to 2003 to read quotes of what Cheney said. "Deficits don't matter." He forgot to mention that American servicemen also do not matter.

Deja Vue Vietnam. We did the same thing there. And eventually surrendered to N Vietnam. We now see Americans surrendering to everyone else in Syria. While granting success after success to the Russians and The Don's good friend Putin. A another example of why extremists (using their political biases) create disasters. And why we desperately need leaders who are patriots - also called moderates.

Yesterday, Trump was having a meltdown that even embarrassed Republicans were critical of. He called the Kurds evil and communists. He said they were never an ally. His insulted Pelois and other Democrats with insults that need not be quoted due to his flagrant vulgarity (as if grabbing any women's groin is acceptable behavior - he said so).

Even the extremist John Bolton is openly criticizing this corrupt administration.

Meanwhile, Trump will hold the next G-7 meeting at his resort. He says it will be done at cost. And calls it all acceptable behavior - as any mafia Don would do. That 'at cost' includes his personal profits. And more profits when he does what he has always done. Withhold payments from contractors.

Russian soldiers are tweeting pictures of The Don's victory. Showing American bases, fully stocked even with food, abandoned only hours earlier by a defeated American Army. Defeated by a mental instability that is so common with wacko extremists and egotists.

Last Wednesday, The Don sent a letter to Erdoğan scolding him in no uncertain terms to not massacre Kurds. And threatening to destroy the Turk economy if they did anything that Trump does not want. Erdoğan simply threw it in the trash can and ordered, within hours, the invasion of Kurdish protected lands in Syria. He knows a scumbag is all bluff and insults - a massive ego - and no balls. But that is the man that right wing extremists (KKK, White Supremacists, Nazis) love. They (and similar ones here) say all this is good.

Just like it was good to massacre 5000 American servicemen in Mission Accomplished for no purpose.

That is why we are and now must be there. The warnings that said why were posted back in 2003.

BTW, same deniers also poo-pooed warnings about the Sprately and Parcel Islands. The Don is even insulting and undermining American allies in that region. Because his best friend is the N Korean dictator Kim. His ego is more important than making America great. By insulting people and lying every day, he is loved by right wing wacko extremists.

How many more American surrenders can be expect this year. Now that The Don is sounding more like Nixon in his last six months.
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