Thread: Caffeine pills?
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Old 09-07-2015, 06:05 PM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 772
So far I am calling this experiment a success.

I feel more energetic, seem to be able to keep it under control, and probably loosing weight without all the junk I used to drink along side caffeine. My actual coffee cup intake (with sugar and milk) is now just the one in the morning rather then what I used to do - which was drinking coffee almost as if it was water.

This is working really well for me. Thank you all for the advice - sundae in particular about slicing them in half - It's useful not only to avoid the heartbeat-shot but also to extend it longer and without the lapses in judgement - which seemed to have followed pattern of always appearing in the first hour after taking a full one. So now I follow the half/half regime and during work shift I seem to work better overall if I take half a pill (100mg) every two hours rather then a full one every four hours.
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