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Old 04-24-2017, 05:16 PM   #34
I love it when a plan comes together.
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
"There's no such thing as a business." - Elon Musk

I think Elon Musk is proof that business isn't necessarily about profits. It can be about achieving other goals.
That's not what I take away from the Elon Musk example. His businesses are for-profit and the prognosis is poor for him to accomplish his goals if he doesn't realize a profit. I think that business can be so much more than just profit; but, the profit needs to be there.

Neil deGrasse Tyson:

... The delusion that relates to private spaceflight isn’t really what you’re describing. They’re big dreams, and I don’t have any problems with people dreaming. Mars One, let them dream. That’s not the delusion. The delusion is thinking that SpaceX is going to lead the space frontier. That’s just not going to happen, and it’s not going to happen for three really good reasons: One, it is very expensive. Two, it is very dangerous to do it first. Three, there is essentially no return on that investment that you’ve put in for having done it first. So if you’re going to bring in investors or venture capitalists and say, "Hey, I have an idea, I want to put the first humans on Mars." They’ll ask, "How much will it cost?" You say, "A lot." They’ll ask, "Is it dangerous?" You’ll say, "Yes, people will probably die." They’ll ask, "What’s the return on investment?" and you’ll say "Probably nothing, initially." It’s a five-minute meeting. Corporations need business models, and they need to satisfy shareholders, public or private. ...

... So what is SpaceX doing now? They’re bringing cargo back and forth to the space station, as should have been happening decades ago. You don’t need NASA to move cargo, you get NASA to do the things that have never been done before. And then when they do it enough and there’s a routine, then you farm it off to private enterprise, which can actually do it more efficiently than you can, and presumably make a buck for having done so. ...
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