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Old 10-27-2006, 09:56 AM   #92
lurkin old school
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Minnesota
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You are idealistic because you dream that the unknown other must be better than the two party representatives we have. And for that you advocate scraping the system we have and starting over. Its fashionable to be disgruntled and to cynically dismiss. You see it on the idealistic far left and far right. What are the governmental horrors you currently endure? (Can you get a little global perspective on that?) How will this action of yours solve these? (and you better be positive they will because if you take that road, its took.) How will that ensure the quality and honesty and truth you seek? While this is good change is occuring in the legislative branch, how are the executive and judicial branches transformed? How long is this view?

It strikes me as similar to the bold neo-con dream, not dissimilar to Ledeen's call for cleansing destruction and nation building in Iraq. Idealistic. Or Pol pot (what axiom of online discussion calls up that reference? : ) ) reworking his society to erase the evils of Western Influence. He too, thought that the immediate discomfort would eventually, in the long run, birth a new superior civic organization. Not only idealistic, really really tragically so. But those who were inconvienced by this reorganization missed the big picture- it would all be better, some day.

I am not against your idea of direct democracy and multiple candidates. I am voting here for "instant runoff" for city offices, to enable a viable third candidate. I too, am taking the long view. But I am working it realistically, from within what we've got. What we've got is not ALL BAD and change can be worked strategically.

If I am lucky, I have about 30-40 more years before I die. I would like to live them as peacefully and justly as possible. The system is not perfect but the realistic approach is to work within it, shape it slowly, find ways to promote change that do not cut off your nose to spite your face.
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