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Old 08-12-2003, 11:44 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Posts: 13
Well, to cover all of your ideas, Bruce...

1. The company would find a way to screw it over and get me in shiat before anything could be done.

2. Can't reason with him, the bastard doesn't speak english, and barely understands simple monosyllabic phrases.

3. We've tried, but it's hard to make it look like a convincing accident with the morons I work with, they aren't too bright at setting up such things. Wait, they aren't too bright at most things, including simple math.

4. We're already unionized.

5. I wouldn't be suprised if he's a supporter of Hezbollah, he's hinted towards such things in his broken attempts at english, and from rough translations I've gotten from his son.

6. When I said large, I meant to say multi-national, multi-billion dollar company.

7. That'd be hard to fired and file a discrimination suit, when he's one of only three non-white guys in the company, not a lot of discrimination suit room, and I'm not big on the American easy-cash idea of "sue whoever you can", although it's almost tempting, despite knowing I wouldn't possibly win.

And, sometimes I swear that the only thing keeping me in the company (it seems that having independant thought is a bad thing, and can get you fired if you try to do something on your own idea that may create more efficiency without any safety risks) is that I'm marrying the lead hand's daughter.
Hanlon's Razor:
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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