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Old 08-18-2013, 10:40 AM   #11
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I've already raised my frustration at people who call themselves Christians but know nothing of the Gospels. Bruce picked me up on the fact I believed people should worship, and ideally within a structured environment. He was right, I've changed my opinion on that. You can be a devout Christian and never set foot in a church. Although formal worship does have the benefit of giving you a working knowledge of the Bible.

The majority of white and Afro/ Carribbean people in this country self-declare as Christian/ Church of England. Can they all name a single Bible story without prompting? Old or New Testament? Many can't. Do they know the events of Holy Week (aka The Passion) no they don't. Can they retell any of the parables? No they can't. How can you count yourself a follower of Christ without even knowing his teachings?

Of course knowledge is even poorer when it comes to the Old Testament, but at least if you are claiming to be Christian that is only the prequel and not necessarily canon. But not even being able to name the Ten Commandments. People get them mixed up with the "seven deadly sins", and they only remember those because of 7even.

I've met some people who seem to be truly holy. All of them sincere believers.
I've met many more who work at their faith and try hard to live within the teachings of Christ without actually giving strangers their shirt and coat every time they leave the house.

I just don't like the wishy-washy-pretendy-all dogs go to heaven-stuff.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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