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Old 06-18-2009, 05:45 AM   #1712
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 21,206
As predicted: my car died.

It was smoking when I stopped at the gas station last night, and I knew if I could just get it home I could worry about it later. After the day yesterday, and late nights this week, I was too tired to deal with it. Plus, it was 8 pm by the time I got home so there wasn't much I could do.

I noticed liquid pouring out of it. So, in proper denial fashion, I played on the computer for a while and went to bed.

One thing about my old job was I could always call and have someone come and get me. Not so anymore.

So, I've ordered a rental. I love the internet: set most of it up online. I will be late for work today but at least I will get there: taking the day off is not an option at this time.

I should be thankful that, if it weren't for this job, I wouldn't have my measly little emergency credit card so I could get a rental car. I should also be thankful that it is within my means to get another car. But right now I am too bummed to be thankful...I'll do that later.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby
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