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Old 06-07-2017, 06:52 AM   #1541
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Now here's my thread-compliant post for the day:


We were informed yesterday that:

1. My sweetie has to decide whether or not to retain payee services (the reason our rent's been paid on time EVERY month since October 2007). The mental health center has been handling payee duties, but they're hemorrhaging money right now and so the Council on Aging is taking over.

If my sweetie retains payee services, they'll charge him the same, cut his monthly spending by half, force him to get a $49 check to his bank to cash EVERY WEEK because no, they don't do direct deposit, and they'll probably audit him. The thought of an audit makes him queasy at best.

If he doesn't, he has to suddenly come up with the emotional and mental resources (right in the middle of a massive medication switch-out) to handle all his own finances again. I can't be his payee and we don't know anyone who's qualified to be a private payee in this state.

2. Regardless of his choice, the way we pay our rent has just been declared illegal. It's been this way since May 2008, when I was put on disability--his payee issued the rent check in the full amount and was legally bound to make sure it was paid as close to the 1st of the month as possible, and I would pay him back half of that because SSI requires me to pay half the rent and utilities anywhere I live.

So this is now illegal, me paying him back, regardless of payee status (I've never had one), we think. It was a huge info-dump on our unprepared brains. We don't know if the new management team is allowed to have 2 people bringing in half-rent checks every damn month. If not, my sweetie may have to go without a payee so that a single check can still be issued every month, if we can find a way to be sure that doesn't cost me my health insurance while Medicaid is still viable.

I read every single terrifying thing Social Security sends me. I haven't gotten a letter from them since the beginning of the year when I always get a "this is now your per-month amount" letter. A little warning on "your rent payment plan is now illegal and can get you thrown off SSI for life" might have been nice!!!

Last edited by Snakeadelic; 06-07-2017 at 07:14 AM. Reason: Stress makes me forget details.
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