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Old 08-04-2011, 05:06 AM   #219
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
How funny - we have French markets here, and in Leicester we had a Bavarian market.
I never thought that other countries might have our markets too!

I loved the French market - despite my snarky comment about the French preferring you to speak English rather than bad French, their faces lit up when I offered something as simple as bonjour, combien or merci. I really admire the French, and how protective they are about their language, and how proud of their country. I get the jokes about being Surrender Monkeys, but many other European nations were occupied, and they don't get tarred with that brush.

The Netherlands for example. I went to the Resistance Musuem when I was in Amsterdam and it made me cry. They fought like buggery, and I'm sure the French did too.

And their bread, wine and olives are wonderful. They even make some good cheese. Nothing compares to British cheese of course, but pretty good. (I lie, some of my favourite cheeses are foreign. Just not French).

Sorry, that was a complete derailment.
I'm glad Mrs G can still get proper tea.
I can't drink it myself these days
I have to have de-caff. I've got used to it, but it is unnerving if I run out and sneak one of Dad's teabags. I forget what a wallop full-caff can have.
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