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Old 09-04-2008, 01:57 PM   #95
Brett's Honey
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 308
Update on "Why is my daughter stealing?" - To make a long story short, I am no longer "Brett's honey", we aren't divorced but we have been separated for close to two years now. However, I do have an update on his daughter's behavior, and that is the reason for my addition to this conversation. The stealing when she was 14 did not just "go away". Her Dad and Grandma pretty much ignored and made excuses for the stealing (They are the only two adults who have ever been in her life until I came along.) Upadate on her - she just turned 17 and has been working part time job at a drug store for about 8 months. About a month ago she was charged with embezzlement by that store. Apparently a customer lost his wallet in the store, she found it and is seen on a security camera putting it under a counter, but at some point either removed the money from it or took it back and pocketed it....I'm not sure of the details. That was the story by the time it got to me, anyway. I did not know that stealing a customer's property would be an embezzlement charge - anyone know if that is correct? the Mom with the son who has sticky fingers, deal with it now! I know that you are, by your comments, but I did want to update this story after I saw your posts and I had just heard what happened with my step-daughter. Good luck to you.

I check in to the cellar regularly, but my internet access has been sporadic and I have been BUSY. Happily busy with a brand new grandson! Christopher Anthony was born June 17th, weighed 6 lbs. 14 0z., healthy as a horse, and is the most beautiful baby ever born! Him, my son and daughter-in-law (22 & 19 yrs old) are living with me right now and I'm loving it.
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