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Old 10-29-2003, 01:27 AM   #1
H Caulfield
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"Mind over Matter" proven at Princeton

Hey everyone.
My friend pointed me towards this neat site, and after looking around, I thought I'd share equally interesting anectodal information, an sort of test the water to see what you guys thought.

This summer I was invited to Princeton University by the dean of the school, Dr. Jahn, to participate in a "think tank" of sorts. In brevity, we were thinking about what to do now, since a lab there at Princeton, called the PEAR lab (for Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, had over it's 30 years of existance, proven unequivically and scientifically that the mind can ineed influence physical matter.

Let me explain. The PEAR lab has a true Random Number Generator, generates thousands of binary trials (output either 1 or 0), then sends the results to a computer, which shows it's distribution statistically. When you leave it to run, a perfect 50/50 bell curve results pretty quickly.

But, when a person (any person at all) is set in front of the Random Number Generator, and told simply to "sway the data to more 1's than 0's," or vice-versa, the results actually shift to the user's intention. This usually comes to calculated odds of 1 in around 1-billion odds of happening by chance, and these (credible lofty-minded Princeton scientisits), have been demonstrating this for nigh on 30 years now...developing their theories, etc.

So essentially they've shown that intention itself affects the outcome of physical systems. Conscioussness manifests physical reality. The PEAR lab has recieved press over the years, but not as much as you'd expect. Princeton's a damn conservative place, and their home there was always at risk. Anyway, the purpose of the think tank was to discuss what this could mean to people, to philosophy, theories of mind and reality, etc. I was hoping that some of you guys might chime in with your thoughts.

Take care,
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