Thread: Senator Bigot
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Old 01-02-2003, 06:56 PM   #54
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: So Cal.
Posts: 257
Originally posted by Cairo
Hermit22 -
The reason you are having to decipher what I'm saying is because you have blocked out the statement from 99 44/100... that prompted me to say what I said. He was talking solely about the "more than ones" who consider themselves to be one race and ignore the other(s). See?
Nope. Guess my 'liberal education' doesn't allow me to. Instead, I see some examples I gave of someone with Hispanic and European heritage that you responded to with something rather unintelligible.

There are obvious trends that people are being hired on qualifications only, but quotas are stopping the natural trend and reducing minorities to a "token" status that keeps them perpetually unequal by conveying that minorities can't get hired on their own...and we deserve better than that!
I've talked about this extensively on my blog, so I'll keep my response short.

If affirmative action wasn't in place, would society keep people perpetually unequal? That's all affirmative action tries to do. I don't disagree that the program should be re-examined (all social programs should be from time to time; it keeps them effective), but I haven't seen any reason to end it, nor a good replacement. And yet studies continue to be released that show minorities make 50-60% to every $1 whites make. They deserve better than that.


No one forced you to say, "I would believe you."
You shouldn't have said it then.
See, here's the problem: you didn't show me any proof. You showed me a few people whining about how a bigot was treated. That's not all that credible.
Show me Lott's actions that were in contradiction to his long-standing voting record, and I'll believe you. But you and I both know that those don't exist.


Excuse me! There already are a lot of Blacks, Feminists, Gays, and Hispanics who vote Republican because they want equality...I should know, my whole family consists of those groups of people!
Of course there are. But if you look at a broad sampling of these groups (except maybe Hispanics), the majority of them don't vote Republican because the rhetoric doesn't match their ideology or lifestyle. I have several friends who are gay or feminist that won't vote Republican precisely because of the actions and words of the party's leaders. So whose primary sources are more relative? Neither, really, when the quantitative data has its own results.


You forget that discrimination has always been a Democratic platform...Oh, they now talk the talk to fool the ones who don't pay attention. But honestly, what action have they taken other than playing the race card and widening the divide?!?!
Democrats pander to activist groups who don't want equality, they want special treatment not equal!
Civil Rights Act and the failed Equal Rights Amendment, which was defeated by Reagan, would be a couple pretty good examples of Democratic action.
Democrats used to be the party of bigots and misogynists. Now their only real refuge is a wing of the Republican party.

Also, Feminists know that Republicans don't have this "hidden agenda" to abolish abortion, if that were true, Reagan was the one to do it, he didn't.
Republicans wish to stop 7,8,9 month along fetuses
from murder, which most women agree by that time it is, because we have seen sonograms.
Nope. That agenda's right out in the open.

And what a bunch of generalities! My god..."the Democrats" "Feminists" "most women" do you know that Feminists (with no qualifier, so as to imply that the majority of Feminists think this way) know this? Or that most women have this idea about murder?
Opinion poll have consistently shown around 2/3 of the population supporting a pro-choice stance. Just to let you know.


And gays are realizing that 8 years of Clinton left them pretty much empty handed, but 1 year of President Bush got them unmarried companion beneficiary compensation status!
I've never heard of this, although I know that there were several bills introduced during Clinton's time that got killed. Could you show me whatever it is you're talking about? I honestly don't pay too close attention to homosexual legislation, but I would think I'd have heard of something like this.

If you cared to educate yourself on the actions, not words, of both would vote Republican too!
I doubt it. Republicans are still the party of the wealthy, and, despite the shift away from it, Democrats are still the party of the downtrodden. And that's despite the false rhetoric you're spewing here.
There's also the large pro-war, anti-abortion, anti-environment, anti-gay, pro-big business, etc. etc. stances that push me away from the Republican Party.
blippety blah bluh blah blah
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