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Old 05-29-2004, 03:53 AM   #231
Nothing But Net
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Spring, Texas
Posts: 1,481
Forward this e-mail I got, replying to the questions in your own words

Return directions: Now, here's what you are supposed to do..... and do not spoil the fun. Copy (not forward) this entire email and paste it onto a new email that you will send. Change all of the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to all of your friends and including
the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you. Remember to send it back to the person who sent it to you. Have a great day my friends and God Bless each and every one of you.

These are my answers:

1. What time is it? Please be more specific

2. Name as it appears on birth certificate? It appears to be 12-point Courier

3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? None. We did put an M-80 on it, though. That turned out cool

4. Dog? I thought these questions were about me, not the old lady

5. Hair color? I'm starting to get a creepy feeling this e-mail is some intelligence gathering scheme of the Dept. of Homeland Security

6. Piercing? No, because it is a gateway to Brosnaning, which is worse than an eternity in Hell

7. Tattoos? When I was young I got one that said 'Born to Raise Hell'. Now I'm just wishing I could raise my dick

8. Eye color? I don't know. I can't see myself in a mirror

9. Birthplace? It was a real god-awful mess when it was all over, I've been told

10. Favorite foods? Anything somebody else pays for

11. Ever been to Africa? Officially, no

12. Been toilet papering? At least once a day, more often as needed

13. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes, I cried 'Bitch!'

14. Been in a car accident? Yes. Actually, it wasn't really an accident. I did it on purpose

15. Favorite salad topping? Naked women

16. Favorite day of the week? When you're unemployed, who the fuck cares?

17. Favorite restaurant? The Four Seasons in New York. Never been there, but I've heard it's good. Does anyone know if they have Buffalo Wings?

18. Favorite flower? Artificial

19. Favorite sport to watch? Gladiators

20. Favorite drink? Whatta ya got?

21. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? The Baskin-Robbins 31-Flavors-All-in-One-Cone. It gets looks on the street, and nobody minds if you drip any on them

22. Movie company Disney or Warner Bros? Neither. Who is Ron Jeremy working for these days?

23. Favorite fast food restaurant? Surprisingly, robbing McDonalds is a relatively easy score. They sure as fuck ain't hiring any heroes

24. What color is your bedroom carpet? What would you call a 20-year accumulation of beer spills, bong water, cigarette burns, dog shit, urine from most known life forms? I know: 'College Collage'

25. How many times you failed your driver's test? You mean there is actually a person in this town who passed one?

26. Before this one, whom did you get your last email from? RRedd hot !!! Teeen^^^slutzzzs##are the~~~shnizzle%%for**your<><>wizzzle.. Come one & all@@@

27. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? The crack house at MLK and 5th, only they don't take credit cards

28. What do you do most often when you are bored? You mean like in the movie 'Body Double'? That looked really painful, getting drilled right through the floor

29. Most annoying thing people say to me? "You look just like your mother." "Hey, asshole, do you see any tits on me?"

30. Bedtime? I never fall asleep. I pass out.

31. Who will respond to this email the quickest? The Republican National Party, requesting a donation

32. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Osama Bin Laden

33. Favorite TV show? I've never really liked anything on TV since they stopped showing test patterns late at night

34. Last person you went out to dinner with? I'm happy to say it was NOT Jeffrey Dahmer

35. What are you listening to right now? Voices. They're telling me to kill you

Last edited by Nothing But Net; 05-29-2004 at 03:56 AM.
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