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Old 01-20-2003, 04:02 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 13
Consider this

The government was notorious for using agent provocateurs in the Vietnam days. This is similar to their infamous program of finding the most out-there militant black organizations and arranging money and press exposure for them. If you can't find a good straw man, you manufacture one.

That's just insurance, of course. Who is surprised when the ignorant and the criminal element take advantage of any circumstance to loot or riot, for fun or profit? Look at what happens after any sports game, St. Patricks Day parade, New Years, etc. Think about it. Why is this different? If it sounds ridiculous that peace protesters were violent, that's because it is.

This spin comes from elements within the media advancing a pro-war political agenda. It's an old, old, OLD technique. You will see other things associated with the peace protestors too - naked race baiting (throwing them in with Arab radicals chanting for the end of Israel, terrorist sympathizers), as well as some "quotes" from "organizers" hand-picked for their ignorance and flippancy.

Congratulations, you just fell for a classic media scam.

Looks like there are some lessons (not even that old) that we'll need to re-learn again... these peace protestors are all that's between you and another Vietnam.

Last edited by option; 01-20-2003 at 05:44 PM.
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