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Old 05-10-2017, 09:26 AM   #13
Encroaching on your decrees
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: An island within the south-west coast of Scotland
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Newb Interrogation/Shareholic Dwellar Quiz May 2017

1) Kanye West or Ivanka Trump? Kanye West
2) Was that too tough a question to open with? Tricksy, vewy vewy tricksy ....
3) Yellow or pink? Pink.
4) When you were really broke, what's the most notable/sad thing you did/do to save or scrape together a few pennies? I did (and still do, sometimes) wear clothes beyond their usable life. I've had shirts which I've deemed too knackered to take to the charity shop, so I keep on wearing them myself. But really I've been very fortunate.
5) beer, wine or neither? BOTH
6) what is your current favorite word? Superb!
7) Wonder Woman or Elastagirl? Who is Elastagirl? Is it me after eating a lot?
8) what grade school art project were you most proud of/do you remember most vividly (and why, if you care to share....). The only school art project I remember at all was a still life of a violin set up in its case. I spent three weeks' art classes meticulously drawing it and I was very pleased with how it was turning out, though not yet finished. The next week it had been removed. "But I hadn't finished! I was enjoying drawing that! I thought it was coming along well!", I said. "We're doing something else now!" said Teacher briskly. I gave up art as soon as the curriculum allowed after that and have always felt that I am crap at drawing.
9) roses or orchids? Roses, so long as they are fragrant.
10) Your pizza has only one topping. What is it? Yeah, no, it's not a pizza then is it. So cheese and tomato are a given. Then it's peperoni all the way!
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of

Last edited by limey; 05-10-2017 at 06:24 PM.
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