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Old 05-12-2005, 02:43 PM   #1
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Hispanic Boycott in Arizona

Brownwatch site
First of all, could you imagine if caucasians had set up a website called "Brownwatch"? or even "Whitewatch". (the same thing always pissed me off about "the black student union" in college, but that is another rant.)

Anyway, these fine folks were involved in getting the word out about a boycott that happened on Tuesday of this week. You won't see any mention of it on the website, because it was an absolute failure. They are advocating and asking businesses to avoid scheduling conventions and other tourist activities in Arizona in response to anti-illegal alien legislation that has been bouncing around down here. That'll teach them racist white folks...

If you visit the site you will see a couple of bills that this organization feels are unfair and racist... let's see - you can't enroll in state schools if you are here illegally, tax money can't be spent on building centers for illegals to hang out at and wait for work... yeah, i see how that is racist. The only one that they have a leg to stand on, in my view, is the English only bill. in my view, i figure that if you want government services you should be able to speak english or provide your own translator - but i can see how that one can be twisted to fit their agenda.

The hispanic boycott that failed on tuesday was aimed at shutting down arizona for 1 day to show the importance of the hispanic population. they asked for all hispanics to stay home. don't go to work, shopping. buy gas, etc. The thing is that the majority of legal immigrants are bitter towards illegals for cheating, the american born hispanics are bitter because of the ignorance and animosity that bubbles up when these events happen, so the result was that on Tuesday - nothing happened.

good work gentlemen.
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