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Old 03-26-2006, 09:39 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by djacq75
The idea that democracy possesses any inherent moral authority is one of the more contemptible forms of modern self-induced moral vacuity.
HEH! Urbane could be the poster child for Orwellian thought.

Let's take a closer look at his statement:

No; the purveyors of antidemocracy do not have the moral authority to make such an argument believable. We, being a free people, in contention with anti-freedom people, do. That you choose not to accept that view has very little effect on its rightness.
"purveyors of antidemocracy" - Would have the reader beleive that there is a group out there who fully understand the principles of democracy and have rejected them. In fact, there are many such groups "out there," but I would submit that the group to which UG refers - Muslims - are more xenophobic and religous fundamentalist than they are "antidemocracy." The deaths of 100,000 Iraqi civilians have only served to fuel UG's "antidemocracy" movement.

Democracy - from the Greek - demos - government by the people. Only someone who has no idea of what democracy actually is could beleive that a foreign nation can invade another country's borders, kill 100,000 people, and then call the result "democracy." The correct term is "military invasion" NOT "democracy."

"Moral authority" - an interesting term. Please define "morality." Please define "authority." Please state under which conditions a given group has "moral authority" over another. Please use premises that all parties agree to be correct, and please use logic in your reply. Points will be taken off for empty rhetoric and propagandist replies will receive a failing grade.

"We, being a free people" - "We" who, white man? Please define what it is to be a "free" person. Please state in which ways the average American is more a "free" person than the average Iraqi. "My son is in the US Army and my money goes to Halliburten." When I walk into the polling booth, I may choose one outrageous liar versus a second outrageous liar. My letters to my elected representative are met with form replies, if I'm lucky enough to get a reply at all. My country's leader is worse than an inept, bungling fool. My country's leader has done more to take away the constitutional rights and freedoms of my people than any other leader in my country's history. My country's leader has been responsible for the deaths of 100's of thousand of innocent people, including my own countrymen. Please explain how I have greater freedom than an Iraqi citizen.

"That you choose not to accept that view has very little effect on its rightness." i.e. "I'm right because I say so," or, my personal favorite, "I'm right and you're stupid." That you choose to assume YOUR view is the only correct one has NO effect on the actual truth of your position, especially when you do not back your position up with accurate facts and logical conclusions.

By the way, djacq, there ARE other threads on the Cellar. You don't have to keep bringing this one back up to the top. Its wandered so off topic that I don't even remember what it was originally about, anymore.

Last edited by marichiko; 03-26-2006 at 09:44 PM.
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