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Old 07-19-2007, 11:51 PM   #39
Sir Post-A-Lot
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Paradise Valley, Arizona
Posts: 437
Just an observation .....

The attitude from anyone.... "I don't like it, therefore it should be banned".... is just another example of why our overly political correct country is going to hell in a hurry. Just who the hell are you to determine what should be banned? Your imaginary personal feelings are more important than the history of our country?

The Confederate Flag ~
Over time the flag has acquired a wide range of meanings, some apparently contradicting others. Since the C.S.A. were fighting for independence during the American Civil War, much as the United States did during the U.S. War of Independence, the Confederate flag has always had connotations of rebellion, patriotism, self-determination, dissent, freedom, and liberty.

The flag traditionally represented the South's resistance to Northern political dominance.

It only became racially charged during the Civil Rights Movement, when fighting against desegregation suddenly became the focal point of that resistance.

These same people want to ban books they don't like, movies, music et cetera...The world should only be as they see it in their narrow minded, perfectly controlled world.
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