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Old 03-30-2008, 03:45 PM   #4
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
If you are considering any action or regime involving your colon, do get the advice of a qualified professional. Or at the very least google the product/ procedure and see if anyone out there has read the labels and thinks it's a load of baloney.

And if you have any specific issues you are trying to resolve, again consider talking to your doctor first - self diagnosis, especially with the help of a salesperson, can be misleading.

A cautionary tale:

My Mum kept going on about getting colonic irrigation to sort out her constant bowel pain/ daily diarrhoea. She'd come to the end of her patience with the NHS - who kept testing and coming back with nothing. In the end, although I tried to dissuade her with well researched emails and cuttings from doctors and other health care professionals, I sent her the cost for her birthday, saying if she was going to have it done, she must at least promise me to check the credentials of the place she went to.

Instead, on the advice of her GP, she decided to have two sessions with a counsellor her friend had been to. She paid for a third session herself and also got a tape of the final session which included helpful coping strategies. Within two weeks she could go out for more than 30 minutes at a time without being scared she might have an accident. She never admitted to me just how badly this was affecting her life until afterwards - she effectively went to work and came home again - she wouldn't go out unless it was within a small radius, and never to anywhere new because she didn't know where the toilets were, etc etc.

Mum was in a job she hated but had to stay in because she was about to retire. They had real money worries which turned out to be short term, but she thought she'd have to work another 5 years. There were other issues, some I know about and won't share and some I know she won't share with me.

She still has bowel problems to an extent - it seems to be genetic (no I am NOT going to say it runs in our family!). But hers was completely aggravated by stress,, worry and possibly a Freudian sense of having to keep everything in, in order to be strong for her family.

The counselling was a turning point in the way aloe vera, pro-biotics and all the other things she tried could never be. She spent a fortune over the 2-3 years she had the problems, and nothing worked. She's retired now, happy, and although she has to have a fibre drink every day and watch what she eats, there has been no recurrence of the life-altering complaints.

It may be none of the above helps in any way shape or form, I'm just saying do be careful. And if in doubt, check it out!
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