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Old 05-29-2011, 11:13 AM   #287
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I hadn't watched it back - I might not have posted it if I had. What hideous sound quality! I pretty much remember what I said (rambling as it was) and even I can't work out some of it.

I'll make another one when it's not blowing a gale force wind.

Pete - it's definitely a convenience store.
Some of the old people on the estate might do quite a bit of their shopping there, and you could live from it as it has a decent selection. But most people use it for newspapers, mil, booze, fags, lottery tickets. With the added benefit that if you've run out of something (from baking powder to toilet paper to garlic) they'll probably have it in stock as well.

When I make my next film, I'll iclude a bit of the shop, but I assume they're the same anyway.

Bri - if I didn't think it would have repercussions I'd take a few shots of the garden belonging to our neighbours-across-the-close. It's still a council property (most of the older houses you saw in my vid are now owner-occupied) and is a classic "council tenant" garden. Where all that's growing is the rust on the abandoned toys and kitchen appliances...
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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