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Old 04-23-2012, 10:58 AM   #43
lobber of scimitars
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Phila Burbs
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All right, I'm coming on on this way too late.

But, I have a couple related to my professional expertise, here ...

Nintey-sixer (usually "a real nintey-sixer". 10 Code for psychiatric emergency is 10-96, so this is cop-speak for nuts).

Class Four (honestly not sure if it's a word, a number, or a roman numeral. You only hear this spoken on the radio when an ambulance is bringing one to an emergency room. Class 5 is dead. Classes one to three describe the severity of the patient's injury, IIRC, and is a way of letting an ER know what they're getting before it gets there.)

We never use "Cocoa Puffs" alone. it's always "Coo-Coo for Cocoa Puffs". I have received report from the ambulance crew who would only say, "momma, CCFCFP."

TFN is similar to CCFCFP, and means "Totally Fucking Nuts."

In the Big Book of Crazy (DSM-IV or current edition), many disorders have a catch all of (diagnosis) NOS, or NEC (Not Otherwise Specified or Not Elsewhere Classified). Therefore, a patient may be desscribed as "Dumbass, NOS" or "Teenager, NOS" or "Junkie, NOS."

Schizo and Schizy are common terms you pretty much never hear in a nuthouse, because they are words for that have specific meaning, rather than general terms.

SCUT (all caps, we'll get to lower case meaning later) is shorthand for Schizophrenia, Chronic Undifferentiated Type, which means really, really, lifelong crazy, often of a disorganized and rambling nature. Scut is unpleasant work that no one wants to do, that a minimum wage staff member is better equipped to handle, like collecting urine, mopping up puke, and applying band-aids. I acknowledge that I am the scut-monkey at the new nuthouse.

"Identified Patient" implies that someone else in the family is crazier than a shithouse rat, and it is likely that the problems of the one you are being paid to see are either nonexistent, or totally related to having to deal with the actual nut in the family surround.

I have never heard, incidentally of a shithouse mouse. Despite the nice rhyminess of it, it's always rats involved.

There is also a saying we used ... The rat turd does not fall far from the kumquat. This is another way of saying, you plant corn, you get corn. Whether it is genetic or environmental or both, crazy runs in families. I have treated three generations of families more than once.
wolf eht htiw og

"Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception." --G. Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island

High Priestess of the Church of the Whale Penis

Last edited by wolf; 04-23-2012 at 11:03 AM.
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