Thread: Where Is This?
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Old 10-25-2011, 02:21 PM   #86
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Well, it can't be much fun if you have to have been to the place to identify it. Kinda leaves out, pretty much everyone who hasn't been there. In my mind, cheating would be using a TinEye-type search, this includes the new-ish Google image search thing where you drag the actual picture to the search bar, which then performs a TinEye-type search.

It'd get awfully slow, and awfully boring, awfully fast if we were to go with first-person knowledge only. Think about it: Say Grynch posts a Where Is It? pic, from Switzerland. Unless it's a VERY, VERY famous subject, virtually no one outside of a very few world travelers will get it.

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