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Old 02-17-2013, 01:01 PM   #356
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
The vid says fluoride is a toxic substance and it only takes a pea sized bit to poison your pineal gland which is your third eye/intuition/god connection.
Fluoride is found naturally in some water. People drank and remained healthy. Extremists hype myths - ie the dangers of fluoride - because their audience does not always demand reasons why and numbers. Dangers of fluoride were lies hyped by extremists who campaigned against 'evil Crest toothpaste' and an a devil worship symbol from Procter and Gamble. Intentional lies are obvious. Fears get framed by subjective claims - no numbers.

Salt, calcium, and vitamins are toxic. And are required for health. If using soundbyte reasoning, both statements contradict. Missing is what informed readers immediately need and demand. Underlying reasons why and the numbers. Extremists manipulate the naive because the naive do not demand underlying facts with numbers.

Griff provided necessary details: Genetic use restriction technology. New information often takes at least three rereads to comprehend. You know it is useful. Each wiki reread should provide more knowledge.

Lamplighter's article was troubling. Because it does not say why (it was intentionally condensed). Because that abridged article is understood in only one reading. Therefore it reported little that was new or useful. It only introduced new legal confrontations without necessary details. Round Up resistant seeds produced without GURT was a surprise and relevant fact. Such details are important.

Did you understand that fluoride video in one sitting? Then it was woefully insufficient. And probably intentionally misleading to promote hate. If a fluoride video was useful, then you were still learning facts in a third and fourth replay. And have numbers for dangerous fluoride.

Fluoride exists naturally in many water systems. And people are quite healthy. However those towns support fewer dentists. So fluoride must be evil?

BTW, an over active and healthy pineal gland can result in rape by aliens. Be concerned. Calcify that gland to protect yourself.
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