Thread: Race in America
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Old 06-02-2020, 01:37 PM   #48
Read? I only know how to write.
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A scumbag president repeatedly fires people who contradict his 30 second attention span. His people will (are only permitted) tell him only what he wants to hear. Another extremist, National security adviser Robert O'Brien, recites those lies:
No, I don't think there's systemic racism.
If 1% of police are racist, then systemic racism is massive. If 1% of a population commit crimes, then a crime wave is epidemic.

No problem. Sexobon, who endorses fascist extremism (to impose right wing extremism on everyone else), loves this.

There are some bad cops who are racist. There are cops that maybe don't have the right straining.
So training would have made Archie Bunker no longer a racist? Of course not. But he is not preaching to informed adults. It is only preaching to extremists and racists who promote Trump.

Sexobon will now post another cheapshot. Because he has nothing informed to contribute. Because that is what extremist do (even Nazis did) to obtain power. Because adults, who are still children, admire a bully. Insults are how extremists (the enemy of democracy and moderates) gain power.

Clearly that black man deserved what happened to him (extremist rhetoric). Trump says so. Sexobon says so.

Even peaceful demonstrators at the White House must be attacked. Because they contradict Trump's 30 second attention span and overt racism.
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