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Old 05-31-2006, 12:08 PM   #62
Operations Operative
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Moved from Manhattan to Edgewater, NJ.
Posts: 713
Originally Posted by Undertoad
I rate this thread a 2.

Steven please, don't start some lame-ass thread to get your lame-ass bartender some lame-ass vote whoring, which is just about the lamest thing the Internet is used for,... and then get all mad because someone called it lame.
First of all, she is not my "lame-ass bartender" - she's been my friend longer than she's bartended. So, thanks for insulting my friend. People here are wonderful.

And, there you go again... people think I am "mad" or insulted, or worried, or offended. I'm not. I am WONDERING why Margaret has to attack me in 95% of my threads. This time it is a thread where I was trying to help a friend. As I've said, I don't care if some of you interpret that as spam. And I don't mean that in a mean or angry way. I really don't care. I don't care that Margaret has to get her digs in at me everytime I post; not beyond the fact that it intrigues me why she has to be that way. So I call her on it almost everytime. I like to get a response to that everytime she does it. It's always been something that I wonder about, as to why people act that way online toward strangers.

So, now we all know A) I am not mad, offended, upset, worried, nor concerned when I get insulted on a message board. It's just words on a screen. B) If you (the reader) insult me in every thread I make, or even 90% of them, I will start to ask you why, looking for a common thread. C) What you call spam here I call help for a good friend. D) I agree if I were someone that posted a similar lame internet contest request everyday/week/or even month, it would be spamming and annoying. And I'd expect you to agree. Instead of jumping in and trying to shout me down, and enjoying the band-wagon, why don't you just chill a bit? Since it's out of character for me to do so post internet polls like this, it should be obvious I am doing it to be nice. E) I posted it in Nothingland... because obviously it's just a little internet poll.

Anyone here that is "against" me or part of "us with UT" because you think I am upset or offended, is fighting the wrong battle.
"It's only an internet community."
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