Thread: Crafty DIYers
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Old 07-09-2018, 10:15 PM   #948
Goon Squad Leader
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I've played with boomerangs before, plastic and wood. I've had success in catching my own throws many times. I'm probably a step or two beyond beginner.

I'm telling you right now, that's a bad idea waiting to happen.

Of course the regular way of catching a boomerang is to "clap" it between your palms, trapping it. OF COURSE, you don't always catch it properly. I can tell the "Batarang" in the picture's never been thrown, or at least it's never been closely missed because the wing-tip opposite the thrower's hand and the trailing edge point just behind the back of the thrower's hand are not covered in gore.

Done well, the end of the flight is close to where it started (duh) and it's slowly (relatively speaking) helicoperting to the ground, in a flattish orientation.
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