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Old 08-18-2012, 12:48 PM   #26
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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Originally Posted by jimhelm View Post
so, what? they use a drum machine on stage? I definitely hear drums in bofe dem tracks.
Yes, not actually a machine but sound files. There is a lot of pre-recorded content. The guys say there's no drummer because they can't find one good enough who wants to do this sort of thing.

the bending in the second one is kind of imprecise... I don't know if that's intentional, but it is a bit discordant.
Totally intentional. This band does some weird-ass things and will completely throw in, say, a keyboard solo that is not in the key of the rest of the song. That's the nature of it, let's make it weird and unpredictable, trancey and/or psychedelic. Once you hear it a few times it settles into your brain a little. But if not, just freak out man!!!

I'm totally jelly, btw. I wish I was in a band. let me know if you ever need a big fat guy to come up and play some leads or sing back up.
Aw man, that was more likely in the cover band than in this one, where we will do one 45-minute set of about 10 songs. Although the cover band is not dead, just resting and will occasionally be brought out to do parties and stuff.

BUT you have total control of your destiny! You can do anything. Here is the Craigslist Philly Musicians section.

How about this dude in Coatesville!
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