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Old 01-24-2007, 12:11 PM   #134
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Kingdom of Atlantia
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My mother has advised him in a telephone conversation a few nights ago that I have no intention to take the child (I won't say his until I see DNA results, and I told him that.)

If he would have come at me with "Sam told me....." from the beginning, this would have been a very different email from my end. He's trying to be hurtful on purpose. I don't have to take this from anyone, let alone a child.

At this point, I'm so angry that I haven't responded. I know me. If I respond when I'm angry, it will not be coherent, it will be meant to hurt him back. He knows where my buttons are, but I also know where his are. And right now I want to hurt him back, so I'm just going to leave it alone for awhile; try to take the "high road".

He has been made aware that I don't want the child, and during the course of that conversation with my mother, he revealed that David took him back in three weeks ago.

Please also understand (I don't know if this was made clear earlier) the child is a pathological liar. If he told me the sky was blue I'd have to go check.

There is a very real possibility, and I mean this in all seriousness, that this girlfriend may not be pregnant at all, and he's trying to goad me. He feels like I abandoned him when I took him to David's, so he's going to "get back at me" the only way he knows hurting me with his words. This hypothesis (or some form similar) has been proposed by my mother, my sister, my husband, and my best friend.

IF there is a child, and IF it turns out to be his, I've already given him the best advise I can: get a job now, get a place to live now, and position yourself into a position where you look like a more responsible person than this girl who lives with her "Pillar of the Community Christian" parents.

As if.

And as far as calling him my son rather than The Boy, well, I don't feel very maternal toward him right now. I know that I'm a very emotional person, but due to the circumstances with his early childhood (mentioned a few pages back), I never really bonded with him in the first place. Honestly, it wouldn't be hard for me to completely cut him out of my life at this point. I would be disappointed for awhile, but really, it may be for my greater mental health in the long run.

I don't know. Right now I'm just waiting to see what the next move is. I take all he says with a huge grain of salt. I guess we'll see how it pans out.

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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