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Old 08-04-2011, 05:25 AM   #222
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Monster is an ex-pat Brit (living in America).
She posts on a specific expat Brit website.
I think it's made up of Brits in all sorts of places, not just America. If you ask I'm sure she'll let you know. Unless Mrs G already has that covered?

Continental Europeans can't queue.
Not like we can.
Read Bill Bryson on the suject.

When I was in Cuba I got used to elbowing my way to the front at the buffet and passing things back to my more reticent partner. People would turn and smile and speak to me in German or Italian - they didn't see the behaviour as rude. No point skulking at the back and grumbling

But I got told off once in Pisa for not queueing properly!
I was SO shocked.
We were hardly pushing in - three of us joined three seperate lines at the station, and when T got to the counter first we joined him. Sorry, but it doesn't take any longer to issue three tickets to Siena than it does one! Luckily, none of us understood any of the chap's tirade and I looked at him mournfully and said sorry in Italian and he shrugged it off. I had a low cut top on.
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