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Old 11-01-2012, 05:01 PM   #1073
Cyber Wolf
As stable as a ring of PU-239
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I think what we're looking for is a number of how many bayonets were used to dispatch the opposition, rather than how many were issued and visible during active wartime.

If you go to your favorite hunting ground with a .22 anything and a .45 anything and end up only taking a couple of rabbits with the .22, the .45 was carried/issued but not used and can't be counted as a weapon used on the trip... cuz it wasn't. So, if, for some reason, a soldier is in battles where he fires his rifle until it's red hot, but has no occasion/need to stab someone with the bayonet he also carries, the bayonet is issued but not actually used.

So how many of our soldiers, not British soldiers cuz we're not talking about them, used their bayonets instead of bullets or other high powered weaponry to disarm/disable/devitalize an enemy? The most direct way to find out is just to ask. Has anyone asked?
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