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Old 03-09-2012, 11:54 AM   #7623
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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I've had to cancel my trip down to Sundae's this weekend

Partly because I didn;'t get my act together and organise the details last week, and now can't get ahold of her :p

But mostly, because my skin has gone mental over the last few days. Carrot has something called 'walking dandruff'. It's a type of mite and is apparently very common in puppies. vet said most pups have it at some point. In fact, she says, whenever she deals with a puppy, she almost always ends up with a mad rash from it.

Most people don't get anything worse than a little bite, but if you're sensitive to them, it can make for a really bad allergic reaction.

Which on the one hand is bloody inconvenient and making my skin crawl just at the thought of it...but on the other hand is something of a relief as it explains why my skin has gone so bad, so fast. A mild flare I always expect from a pup, but this is rapid and nasty.

It's also a relief because the biting at his back legs has turned out to be a nice, treatable, normal puppy thing and not the horrible bone or joint problems that my slightly overactive imagination was suspecting :p

Pissed I didn't get down to Sundae's though. I was really looking forward to seeing her. But I'd had a bath and applied various creams and ointments and was just so uncomfortable, I realised there was no way I was doing a 5 hour train journey.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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