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Old 06-01-2012, 02:26 PM   #3
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 378
Sounds like what my son used to have several times a day. If he bumped his head, or went to cry, he would go stiff, stop breathing and his hands would turn in. His eyes would roll back in his head, and he would turn a nasty colour of blue/grey around the eyes, lips, fingers etc...3 years of ambulances and drs and specialists later we got a diagnosis of "cerebril hypoxic crisis, inducing clonic/tonic sezures"

During the seizure there is little you can do. A splash of water can bring them out of it sometimes... but more often then not, simply timing the seizure and breathing into their lungs is all you should and can do. Full CPR can cause more damage as their lungs are so stiff from the seizure something can go wrong, or so they told us 18 months AFTER we started doing it each time. What worked for us was unusual, but effective. He went to the chiropractor for a month of adjustments, and never had a seizure after that.

If this is her first seizure, suggest to the neighbour to mention clonic/tonic seizures and cerebril hypoxic crisis. It may be something completely different, but it may help speed up the diagnosis time. These seizures are heart stopping frightening, as your child looks blue, and dead. Horrifying for anyone to see!

Good job helping out! Some would not be able to handle themselves in a situation like that.
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