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Old 09-10-2012, 07:57 AM   #8279
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Thanks everyone.

Now I need to make up my mind about whether I'm going to her memorial service or not. She's actually my ex sister in law. She and my brother got divorced about 10 years ago. But it was a pretty good divorce, and I've seen her maybe 3 times since the divorce.

I liked her a lot. She was really cool. But she hasn't been a significant part of my life in about a decade. But her kids have (17 yo and 19 yo.) They are my niece and nephew and are family.

So on the "attend the service" side of the equation is that I'd like to be there for the service, and the niece and nephew would probably appreciate seeing me there

On the "don't attend the service" side of the equation is that I already have plans to go with my son on a scout camping trip this weekend, the service is on the other side of the country and it will take about 25 hours of travel time round trip to get there and back since I can't afford a last minute direct flight. There will be a ton of other people there, so my absence won't be glaring. Also, I recently noted that a moth ate my only suit, so I'd need to shop for at least a jacket or something. With airfare, hotel, and a new suit, the trip will put me back about $1k, which would be painful.

So really that's what's bugging me about all this. Do I go? I want to be there, but it's a huge pain.

There are only 3-4 more planned camping trips with my son before he leaves scouts, so it's not like there are an endless supply of camping trips. And I really enjoy camping with him and those other dads and their kids.

I think I've decided I'm not going, but I'm really torn about that decision.
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