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Old 08-21-2013, 09:47 PM   #9537
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Well, the main thing I'm trying to do is advocate for Mav. He actually wants more time to himself, but he doesn't speak up for himself because she goes off her tree when he suggests she not come over etc. By 'off her tree' I mean she cries and yells and accuses him of not loving her etc.

Anyway, I've been telling mav for some time now that he needs to grow a set of balls and tell her how it is for him. I think he's finally realised what a mistake he's made by not doing so. There's a lot of tension between her family and ours now, to the point where Aden is actually looking over his shoulder because he thinks her brothers are going to come beat him up. (Aden and Kate don't see eye to eye on much. Mostly Aden doesn't like how she treats his brother, and Kate hates the fact that Aden stands up to her)

Anyway, I've asked Mav to take some time out over the next week or so and start to really weigh up whether or not this is the sort of relationship/family he wants to be involved with. I've pointed out to him that if she doesn't change her way of thinking, what's he's dealing with now is what he's got to look forward to for the rest of his life with her. I've cautioned him about wearing condoms etc and explained my fears. He's been quite open with me about the fact that he sees my point and agrees with most of what I am saying. Daryl and Aden have both told him what they think too, which has been helpful in some ways. Not so much in others. Basically though, his relationship is affecting the whole family adversely and something has to change. I just hope it's all for the better.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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