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Old 12-06-2012, 10:21 AM   #4693
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
Oh golly gee willickers, this shouldn't drive me batty but it does.

So there's this new chick in the office. New as in she just showed up one day, in tow of our interim "get this office in shape" woman. And new as in she's like, 12.

Very sweet girl. Very sweet. Very very sweet.

I say 'like' a lot. It's actually a conscious thing: I'm either joking or using like for the weird sort of emphasis the word gives a sentence. I'm certainly aware when I'm using it. And of course being an 80s girl valley girl wantedtobe, 'like' is not a foreign word to me.

This girl is not joking, nor is she aware of it. To top it off (and this is really the kicker) she ends every sentence with an uptick in the intonation at the every sentence is a question. I know that's a young person thing. But OMG (and I say that in the most valley girl way I can) it makes me bughouse. I just heard her leave a voicemail and leave her phone number. "It's 555-555-1234?" I mean, that's how it sounds. I don't know how to convey that in a post.

It's kind of funny, but her voice carries big time, and she's only two cubes down. And, really, I don't know what her job is. One time in a staff meeting she said she was *my job title with 'analyst' taken out and 'assistant' inserted.* Whaaaaaaaaaa? I didn't know I got an assistant. Good, I could use one. In other correspondence, they call her an officer (that's the preferred term for our counselors, don't know why. Counselor was fine for me at my old job.)

I just don't know what she does? I mean, like, she seems very capable? And like, she is very sweet? And I know she will, like, be very valuable to us?

(Another cow orker, another young lady...but older than this one...who is very mature and wonderful and I really like her and all that...but she says to me she says "I think it's sweet how naive she is." I said "Oh, I know, but I'm old." But what I wanted to say was "Honey, life is gonna kick both your asses up and down the street. When you've been HALFWAY around that block, you let me know."

'Cause I'm so wise and all. *snickers*

So I'm teasing about her while teasing myself. It's all good, like, you know?
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