Thread: crushes
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Old 03-01-2005, 03:21 PM   #51
Aim for the Best
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 134
Had a few so far, but 2 have truly blown me away, and i did nothing, cos im a coward, but it wouldnt have worked out in either case anyway, but i digress.

1 - I guess roughly this time last year. I was 16 at the time. Started hanging out with different people for no particular reason, met her. Started speaking to her, she was always happy and talkative and fun-loving. After a while i purposefully left my friends on the off chance i might see her, and i couldnt get her out of my head, which kind of freaked me out as nothing like this had ever happened to me before. Followed her around like a dope for a couple of months, got close to asking her out. Then found out from one of her friends that she is a Jehovahs witness, and apparently cant go out with people. I'm basically a coward and gave up then and there. After I while i thought about it and realised how completely unobtainable she was to a geek like me and how she probably was never interested me in the first place. Ah well, life goes on...

2 - Until about November last year when I fell for another girl in my now final year at High School. Attractive, smart (Straight A's the previous year), but simultaneously very blonde ( i need to start writing down some of her comments, geez). Like last time i would speak to her whenever i could, but this time i realised the tiny likelyhood that it would work out, and this made me kinda moody, and i managed to annoy all my friends by going completely silent most of the time and not doing much. A while later i found out she has a boyfriend, who is also in my school year and i had disliked for a long time already. At this point i realised i was being stupid and gave up.

Not as deep or interesting as some of the other posts, but its my experience with crushes, so its going in anyway. All i have learned so far is that i fall for completely the wrong people, im a coward and a quitter. Im still only 17 and my whole life is still ahead of me as many would say, but its still only a matter of time before i fall for someone else foolishly. Ho hum...
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