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Old 10-04-2012, 09:06 PM   #1
I hear them call the tide
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Yellowjacket stings

Apparently, my reaction is not normal. I assumed it was, because it's how I've reacted on the few times I've been stung (most notably twice a few weeks ago and twice yesterday)

But the swim mom I was passing time with at the away meet tonight is a shrink and so has some medical training and was, um, do you have an epi-pen? Well no, but I also have no tingling, no breathing difficulties etc.... and it's been 24 hours and I'm still here. She was all yabbut, they shouldn't look like that...... and I'm all well I've only been stung a few times in my life.... so then she's all back to the epi-pen idea because these are maybe a little bigger than last time...... but agrees I'm probably OK since no breathing issues.

Then she notices me scratching it -and gets all panicky about celluitis and Septicemia. I promise to go to the Doc/ER if it gets any worse or a notice any other symptoms.

So now I want to know what is normal? What happens to you when you get stung by a yellowjackey/wasp/bee/stripy flying thing.

My encounter few weeks ago, I got one on the kneecap and one on the elbow. hot, red swollen are extended maybe 1.5 inches in radius, were hot and red for a few days, then turned into dark bruises, remnants of which are still faintly visible. But I did scratch them like it would bring me to orgasm....

This time, one sting a couple of inches above the ankle has resulted in redness/swelling from below my ankle to mid-shin. but it's not all balloony, just a little stretcjed and a little flushed. no point taking a pic, really, but I might. other is on the back/side at the waist. Welt is maybe 5 inches across, two tall.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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