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Old 11-30-2012, 08:19 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Big Sarge View Post
He's an addict. You can't fix him and it will only get worse. He won't change until he decides to do it himself.

The saga continues. So earlier this week Charlie got his check. He mentioned to me that he paid $300.00 toward his outstanding bill with the local medical marijuana outfit, but he still owes another couple of hundred. Meanwhile, he has let his Medicare supplemental insurance go because he can't afford the extra $200 or so each month. So, he can't afford the co-pay to get medical treatment (besides the "medical" marijuana that is). He has outstanding bills with the electric company and his phone/internet provider.

This afternoon I called him and he said he's out of food and can't afford the $15.00 to pick up one of his prescriptions. Oh, grrrrr! I can't stand to see someone go hungry and/or go without needed meds - even if they bring it on themselves. Call me co-dependent, because I am.

I'm paranoid about how I'm going to get by if I don't find work before my unemployment runs out. So one thing I've been doing is stockpiling food in my freezer and pantry as I am able. Like if there's a really good sale or mark downs, I'll buy extra if I have the money and then I'll have a bit of a cushion against possible hard times to come. Plus, today I got my check, so I have a little money in my pocket.

I told Charlie I'd loan him the money for his prescription and a loaf of bread. I busted his chops over the loan and told him he HAD to pay me back. And then I raided my food supply and gave him a few bags of groceries in addition to the cash.

I broke one of Sam's Golden Rules of Living by doing this - NEVER make a loan to a friend (or anyone else for that matter) unless you can afford to write the loan off as a gift if it doesn't get repaid. Plus, I know I am just enabling Charlie to continue with his addiction and how good a friend helps another drive himself into the ground? I'd never loan Charlie the money to go buy a bag, but heck, I might as well have. Charlie came over and smoked a couple of pipes while we were talking, so we all know what his priorities are.

The food thing really gets to me, but even though we live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, the folks here manage to support a local charity that gives groceries to those in need of them. The only qualification is that you have to be sober when you go to apply for them. Plus, the churches here take turns running a soup kitchen open to all. Without my help, Charlie might be humbled but he wouldn't be hungry.

And it's his life. If he'd rather buy pot instead of his meds, well, that's his choice.

I just don't know.

And right now, I'm more mad at myself than I am at him. Ms. Doormat, that's me.
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