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Old 02-24-2017, 02:57 PM   #115
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
Posts: 31,423
It's not a class divide at all! It's entirely political.

It wasn't like this in the past, because it wasn't like this in the past! That is to say,

People weren't batshit insane in Carter/Reagan because they didn't divide along political lines for the most part.

People started to get batshit insane in Clinton Bush because they started to divide along political lines

The divide is now complete and becoming utter, and the consequences are dire;

It didn't express itself during Obama because, amongst other things, race changed the nature of the divide and prohibited the media's involvement; this in fact caused it to "bubble under" until excited by the viability of a true outsider candidate, whose personal style of gamesmanship encouraged it; and here we are.

All this is just a silly wild-ass guess on my behalf because I am not everyone.
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