Thread: Psychopathy
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Old 03-05-2012, 02:35 PM   #27
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Then what the fuck is your problem with henry?

Hypocritical, you are.

And remember: an unexamined life is not worth living. I propose you examine why you have these feelings towards him, for no apparent reason, and why you felt compelled to post how bad you are as neighbors. Why did you feel compelled to tell yet one more person how they don't stack up? You pretend to be open to everything and willing to learn and grow...yet you had to be snottish towards someone...for what reason? I still can't figure that out, but it's hardly the open and honest discourse ability you profess to possess.

It was pointless. That's why this whole thing is so funny. The protesting too much, the backpedaling, the giant letters...such folly for dwellars! I laughed! I cried! I saved 5 bucks!

Last edited by infinite monkey; 03-05-2012 at 02:43 PM.
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