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Old 06-05-2009, 09:14 AM   #923
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Posts: 4,081
Originally Posted by glatt View Post
I just hope thread deleting is kept to a minimum.
I agree 100% but openly acknowledge that the rules of the Cellar are not within my domain.

Here's why I agree with Glatt: Part of making posters accountable is the 'permanence' of one's posts. If you know before you start pecking away that what you write will represent you for a very long time then you think twice before saying something you will regret later.

Having the option to delete entire threads not only 'let's you off the hook' but it also has collateral consequences - the posts of all others who participated.

And to LJ I will say this: Knock it off.

What happened as best I can peice together is a consequence of the one of the many roles you have defined for yourself in the Cellar - specifically, the ass-kicking, 'ask no quarter/give no quarter', resident tough guy. In any social network (in the pre-internet sense of the word), when the tough guy on the block is challenged by the tough guy across town, any help offered by the crowd simply serves to cheapen the victory. A bad example is getting picked on at school by someone not even as tough as you then having your little sister step in and whoop the bully's ass.

Perfect example: Rich calls Jinx a whore. I was online when he posted that and my head nearly exploded. I exercised remarkable restraint in not replying directly to defend her. You know why? Because it is NOT appropriate to defend a man's wife when the man himself is present because it makes him look like a pussy. A man defends his own wife and the other guys stand by ready to step in if needed but stay out of it if not. I could have taken a swing - I wanted to take a swing - but it wasn't my place to do that.

In short, you aren't the type of guy that needs defending against the likes of Tiki who isn't even in your league. She's gone - you won without anyone's help and, it seems to me, that's exactly the way it should have turned out so what's the fucking problem?

Even the few people in here that aren't exactly your best buddies acknowledge your contribution and value to the Cellar. There's a time and a place to sing 'For he's a jolly good fellow' - when you are slugging it out with a psycho bitch with nails in her nose spraying bile out of a firehose is definitely NOT the time.

I kind of see what your problem is and I kind of sort of get it a little bit I guess but what I do get clearly is that you are making way more of it than it is. Way more of it.

PM anybody who let you down in your mind. Speak your peace and be done with it.

Then get your ass back in here - I need a new user title. Damnit.
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