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Old 07-03-2019, 10:28 AM   #7
Encroaching on your decrees
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: An island within the south-west coast of Scotland
Posts: 7,016
1. Which part(s) of your body -other than Boob or Bollock size- which should be pretty symmetrical is/are least so?
I've never given it any thought
2. Pick a third color to go with purple and yellow in a pattern
Navy blue
3. When did you last see one of your siblings in person (if you have any)?
Always too long ago. January.
4. Which are cuter -koalas or sloths?
Sloths, of course
5. What is your opinion of Tofu?

6. What is a good name for a pet stick insect? And what about a wild one?
Micky, and Phasmatoptera
7. What is the most relaxing white noise for you?
Rain or seashore sounds (just as well, given where I live!)
8. What is the title of the last hard-copy book you bought (as in handed over money and received a thing with paper pages etc)?
A Ukrainian monolingual dictionary
9. You have to do a triathlon, but you can choose to do 1.5 times the distance of one event in exchange for doing only half of one of the others. Do you, and which?
0.5 times run in exchange for 1.5 walking alongside a bicycle which I can't ride
10. Gin or Tequila? Gin, when I'm back on the sauce, please.
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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