Thread: Motorcycles
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Old 09-19-2018, 11:33 AM   #113
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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I see they are going from Billings MT to Great Falls MT tomorrow. Those are some unfriendly roads to be on with a slow bike.

Originally Posted by glatt View Post
For the entire trip, I had been following the other dad who had an identical minivan as me, and he kept needing to stop for gas when I still had a quarter tank left. He also liked to pass slow moving horse trailers and such on the long straight roads out west. The speed limit would be 80, and the trailer would be going 75, and when I would try to do the same maneuver, my van just didn't have any oompf. I had a few white knuckle passing incidents where I was going 90 and the car coming the other direction was going 85 or so, and that half mile of open road between us was shrinking very fast as I tried to get past the trailer. It was all the EcoBoost button. I was amazed at how much gas it saved me, but those passing maneuvers were not fun.

Wish I had noticed that button sooner. What was it doing under the radio way out of the way?
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