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Old 03-01-2013, 09:55 PM   #9
Now living the life of a POW
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: The Lost Corners of Colorado
Posts: 202
It all goes to show that the upper 1% globally are continuing to entrench themselves in a system with two sets of rules - one for themselves and another for everyone else. The uber wealthy have no loyalty to any nation - including any nation that they are nominally citizens of. At most, their allegiance is to the soil upon which their off shore banks are built.

For those in the loftiest income brackets, ethics or a sense of moral values is a handicap - a character defect to be overcome, rather than a sense of integrity to be admired. It's all a game played by the laws of the jungle in a quest for ever more money and power. And there can never be enough of either if you are one of the top players.

The rest of the populance seems to have sunk into a deep apathy, rather than to make any attempt to change or even recognize the downward trajectory that the greed of a few has placed us upon. The people need to wake up before it's too late - if it's not already.
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