Thread: You. RFN, 2014
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Old 05-02-2014, 02:24 PM   #115
polaroid of perfection
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I get what you're saying, Foot.
But Glatt is essentially asking for something the photographer has already done and been paid for. And it wasn't a personal portrait, where he was able to choose clothes and angle and background.

A nominal fee is fine, but £25 (ish) is high.

To me it seems like charging people to take food home from a restaurant. The restaurant have to buy in doggy bags or cartons and they pay for them. But the larger cost is for the produce, the cooking and the staff and that is taken into account when they set the menu price.

But then I work in retail, and I hear customers say "just" and "only" every working day without considering the actual cost of their requests. So I accept I could be wrong here.
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