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Old 12-05-2014, 11:20 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
Will we eventually have boots on the ground in Iraq or Syria? Possibly. However, we will not be able to "degrade and destroy" ISIS without them. Using only airstrike and local "allies", we will only be able to contain ISIS from expanding. Our strategy will likely change to containment.
Our strategy is to kick the asses of regional powers to take responsiblity. Turkey's tanks still sit over Kobane watching Kurds suffer and die. Due to misplaced hatred of Kurds. And a refusal to move until America invades Syria. They still don't get it.

However Jordan's King Abdullah is saying what every Middle East nation should have been saying when George Jr told them we will massacre 5000 Americans for them. From CBS News:
The leader believes to fight the extremists in ISIS, the Muslim world must come together. "This is a Muslim problem. We need to take ownership of this. We need to stand up and say what is right and what is wrong."

... [King Abdullah] said he is not working alone in the fight. Arab and Muslim leaders around the world are beginning to work together, but he was unwilling to give details.
Well, duhhhhh.

Meanwhile wacko extremists such as Paul Bremer, Cheney, and Tea Party extremists are publically advocating American forces be deployed for another twenty plus year war in Middle East wars. Wars empower extremists. They are preaching what their rhetoric tells them - reality be damned.

Same rhetoric proved Bremer's CPA Order #1 and CPA Order #2 would create peace ... and those 5000 dead Americans that resulted. Only wacko extremists see solutions in military deployments and the resulting destruction of the American economy. The informed know that is not our problem. That we should only provide support functions such as air strikes and supplies.

Slowly, Middle East countries are unlearning what George Jr and Cheney told them. They must take responsiblity for their region.

That includes Israel - another country that refuses due to their wacko extremist Netanyahu. He will do anything to create conflict to advance extremists at the expense of moderates. Another example of someone with contempt for resoluton and the resulting peace. His latest target - a mosque.
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