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Old 10-05-2014, 02:42 PM   #800
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
Janitor wouldn't compare to boilermaker, but a bigger leap than a doctor... percentage of the market wise, not income.

Griff, when you were young and fire in the belly idealistic, you set goals like building your house, contribute more than 50% in raising your kids, getting educated and certified to help the most needy people in America.

You not only built your house, you built a timber frame home from fucking TREES. You did that while playing Mr Mom and raising two great kids that know what they want and are almost ready to twist the world's tail. Oh, wasn't there a wife going to school in there too?

Then you got yourself educated plus all the extra stuff to follow your special choice of careers, and the bullshit dog and pony show of getting certified and verified, even thought you'd proven you were qualified. All this while maintaining tight family ties, with the wife and kids knowing you were there anytime they needed you

As frustrating as your job is, or actually the assholes on the periphery of your job are, I don't think you could walk away from the kids. You could only become a boilermaker if the assholes in Harrisburg get reelected in November and further cut spending, forcing you out completely.

Now you're uh, well... wizened, wiser, and sober, you did it. You did it well and maintained your integrity to boot. Nothing but respect man, you ain't Superman but you're as close as anyone I've ever known of.

Oh, can I borrow $10?
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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