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Old 03-04-2015, 06:17 PM   #1158
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
Posts: 31,423
It's funny, you know I tried to document everything interesting or notable during my full-time time there, but I keep remembering little funny things that I never wrote up.

One day I went across the street to the Chinese place to pick up some dumplings, and an older ghetto gentleman was waiting for his order. Older ghetto gentlemen are my favorite of all ghetto people. Although they can be rather nuts, they are generally harmless, and usually of good humor.

Some very small talk was exchanged. A few sentences. And then he asks

Old ghetto guy: You look happy, why you so happy?

Luckily I had a ready and complete answer to this question. Maybe not the most complete and most honest answer, but one that I knew would blow his mind. I went slowly, and put it in terms he could appreciate.

UT: Well sir, I believe that life is an amazing gift. I don't know whether it's a gift from God, or from chance, or what. But every day I wake up, put my two feet on the ground, and I see the day, I think to myself, damn! Isn't this great? I get to live another day of life.

And I paid the Chinese lady for my food and left. Fifteen minutes later, Ron goes over to get a soda. He comes back and reports...

Ron: They're still talking about you.

Mission accomplished.
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